Resolution: Done
Environment : Stage
Slack thread: https://redhat-internal.slack.com/archives/C01F7QFNATC/p1687529372306469
As a part of https://issues.redhat.com/browse/SWATCH-1150, we did rounding of each day tally, rather than only monthly tally.
Example : If usage is generating on daily basis of 2.2 for 6 days, which we will round off to 3 in tally for each day. Monthly total will be 3*6=18 in tally, while system table will show 2.2*6 = 13.2.
Reproducer steps:
1 .Add metering events for 21 June of 2.2 cores usage for any payg product
2. Repeat step 1 for 22 June, 23 June, ... consecutive days
3. Do tally for all days
4. Verify monthly total is greater than expected.
On Red Hat Openshift dedicated, there is a significant difference between the total (core hours and instance hours) reported in the graph and the total of the instance table.
This difference seems related to the rounding made by tally API.
A full discussion on this can be found in the following Slack thread.
- relates to
SWATCH-1462 [Regression] ROSA Tally API show rounded-up monthly total has a discrepancy from the current month instance table total
- Closed