Resolution: Done
Azure File CSI NFS Support
Strategic Product Work
In Progress
OCPSTRAT-666 - Azure File CSI NFS support
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
- Azure File NFS Supportability
- We currently have a CSI driver for Azure Files that supports SMB connectivity. In the interested of maintaining POSIX-compliance, supported NFS connectivity would be required.
- The goal would be to have supported parity with the current AWS offerings that use "AWS EFS Provisioner" to automatically provision NFS volumes.
It's been decided to support the driver as it is today (see spike STOR-992) knowing it violates fsGroupChangePolicy kubernetes standard where a pod is able to decide what FS group policy should be applied. Azure File with NFS applies a FS group policy at the driver level and pods cannot override it. We will keep the driver's default (on root mismatch) and document this non conventional behavior. Also, the Azure File CSI operator will not create a storage class for NFS, admins will need to create it manually this will be documented.
There is no need to specific development in the driver nor the operator, engineering will make sure we have a working CI.