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  1. OpenShift Storage
  2. STOR-876

library-go: Allow CSI driver operator to update StorageClass template


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    • OCPSTRAT-410 - BYOK for encryption should encrypt the default storageclass with the same key

      Current CSIStorageClassController in library-go does not allow its user (=CSI driver operator) to update a StorageClass before its creation. The StorageClass is read from a yaml asset file and directly created in the API server.


      We need the controller to call callbacks / hooks that would allow the operator to update the StorageClass with additional parameters, such as encryption keys.

      In other words:

      1. NewCSIStorageClassController() should accept a new parameter(s) with a hook (hooks) that are called before the controller instantiates a StorageClass in the API server.
        • This concept is widely used in other CSi controllers, see optionalDaemonSetHooks parameter in NewCSIDriverNodeServiceController() and how it's used in sync().
      2. CSIStorageClassController.Sync() should call all hooks to get the final `expectedSC` and then do whatever it does today (i.e. update default anntotation + call ApplyStorageClass)
      3. CSIControllerSet.WithStorageClassController should accept a new parameter(s) with a hook (hooks) and pass them to NewCSIStorageClassController().
        See https://github.com/openshift/library-go/blob/master/pkg/operator/csi/csicontrollerset/csi_controller_set.go

              rhn-engineering-jsafrane Jan Safranek
              rhn-engineering-jsafrane Jan Safranek
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