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  1. OpenShift Storage
  2. STOR-1039

Update cluster-storage-operator for HyperShift


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    • Storage Sprint 226, Storage Sprint 227, Storage Sprint 228

      As HyperShift Cluster Instance Admin, I want to run cluster-storage-operator (CSO) in the management cluster, so the guest cluster runs just my applications.

      • Add a new cmdline option for the guest cluster kubeconfig file location
      • Parse both kubeconfigs:
        • One from projected service account, which leads to the management cluster.
        • Second from the new cmdline option introduced above. This one leads to the guest cluster.
      • Tag manifests of objects that should not be deployed by CVO in HyperShift
      • Only on HyperShift:
        • When interacting with Kubernetes API, carefully choose the right kubeconfig to watch / create / update objects in the right cluster.
        • Replace namespaces in all Deployments and other objects that are created in the management cluster. They must be created in the same namespace as the operator.
        • Pass only the guest kubeconfig to the operands (AWS EBS CSI driver operator).

      Exit criteria:

      • CSO and AWS EBS CSI driver operator runs in the management cluster in HyperShift
      • Storage works in the guest cluster.
      • No regressions in standalone OCP.

            hekumar@redhat.com Hemant Kumar
            rhn-engineering-jsafrane Jan Safranek
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