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  1. Serverless logic
  2. SRVLOGIC-327

Warnings in jobs service ephemeral pod logs


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • 1.35.0
    • 1.33.0
    • Cloud:Images
    • None

      When you deploy SonataflowPlatform with ephemeral data index its pod contains some warnings.


      2024-06-06 09:24:06,375 sonataflow-platform-jobs-service-5977c8969-hmpkt WARN [io.quarkus.config:-1] (main) Unrecognized configuration key "quarkus.kogito.devservices.enabled" was provided; it will be ignored; verify that the dependency extension for this configuration is set or that you did not make a typo
      2024-06-06 09:24:08,589 sonataflow-platform-jobs-service-5977c8969-hmpkt WARN [io.quarkus.runtime.configuration.ConfigRecorder:-1] (main) Build time property cannot be changed at runtime:
      - quarkus.devservices.enabled is set to 'false' but it is build time fixed to 'true'. Did you change the property quarkus.devservices.enabled after building the application?
      2024-06-06 09:24:16,677 sonataflow-platform-jobs-service-5977c8969-hmpkt WARN [io.quarkus.agroal.runtime.AgroalConnectionConfigurer:16] (main) Agroal does not support detecting if a connection is still usable after an exception for database kind: postgresql
      2024-06-06 09:24:18,387 sonataflow-platform-jobs-service-5977c8969-hmpkt WARN [io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.provider:51] (main) SRMSG00207: Some components are not connected to either downstream consumers or upstream producers:
      - SubscriberMethod{method:'org.kie.kogito.jobs.service.messaging.kafka.v2.KafkaReactiveMessagingEventConsumer#onKogitoServiceRequest', incoming:'kogito-job-service-job-request-events-v2'} has no upstream
      - SubscriberMethod{method:'org.kie.kogito.jobs.service.messaging.kafka.KafkaReactiveMessagingEventConsumer#onKogitoServiceRequest', incoming:'kogito-job-service-job-request-events'} has no upstream

      No warnings seen in logs of pod.
      Clarification is provided so that user understands why.

            wmedvede@redhat.com Walter Medvedeo
            dhanak@redhat.com Dominik Hanak
            Jakub Schwan Jakub Schwan
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
