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  1. Serverless logic
  2. SRVLOGIC-194

Omit namespace from generated manifests by kn-workflow if not provided


    • 2023 Week 36-38 (from Sep 4)

      Currently, resources created by kn-workflow gen-manifest include the namespace attribute set to default, unless the user specified a namespace explicitly.

      Creating the CR and deploying the CR may not occur in the same deployment cycle.

      In addition, producing manifests configured to a specific namespace (default) prevents from deploying the CR in other namespaces:

      → oc apply -f 02-configmap_mtaanalysis-props.yaml -n sonataflow-infra 
      error: the namespace from the provided object "default" does not match the namespace "sonataflow-infra". You must pass '--namespace=default' to perform this operation.
      → oc create -f 02-configmap_mtaanalysis-props.yaml -n sonataflow-infra 
      error: the namespace from the provided object "default" does not match the namespace "sonataflow-infra". You must pass '--namespace=default' to perform this operation.

      It will be useful not to include the default namespace and postpone specifying the namespace to deploy-time, based on target env.

            rhn-support-zanini Ricardo Zanini Fernandes
            masayag@redhat.com Moti Asayag
            Eder Ignatowicz
            Tomas David Tomas David
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
