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  1. Serverless logic
  2. SRVLOGIC-188

[DOC] Deploy Workflows in DevMode


      User story: As a workflow developer, I want to deploy my local workflow on OpenShift in devmode, so I can experiment and change my workflow directly in the cluster.

      Additional Information: Users can use the OpenShift Serverless Logic to deploy a Kubernetes Custom Resource (CR) representing their workflow called SonataFlow. In devmode, users can freely edit the CR and see their changes almost immediately.

      This is important to differentiate between the other profile mode in the operator, that we call preview. In this mode, users will have a near production-ready workflow application with immutable images (can't just freely change the CR)

      Feature: GA
      Upstream documentation: https://openshift-knative.github.io/docs/docs/latest/serverless-logic/cloud/operator/developing-workflows.html

              kaldesai Kalyani Desai
              rhn-support-zanini Ricardo Zanini
              Dominik Hanak Dominik Hanak
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
