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  1. Serverless logic
  2. SRVLOGIC-177

Support spec files with size greater than 1.5 Mb


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • 0
    • 0% 0%

      Due to etcd limits, secret and configmap (or any object) size is limited to 1.5Mb (default).

      Meaning, that if the overall size of spec files for a workflow deployed by a CR is too big, applying the config map will fail with:

      → oc apply -f manifests/01-configmap_01-ticket-escalation-resources.yaml
      Error from server (RequestEntityTooLarge): error when creating "manifests/01-configmap_01-ticket-escalation-resources.yaml": Request entity too large: limit is 3145728


      The configmap from the example above, used 

      kn-workflow gen-manifests

       to generate a workflow when the file https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/swagger-v3.v3.json was stored in the specs folder and wrapped into the generated configmap file.


            rhn-support-zanini Ricardo Zanini Fernandes
            masayag@redhat.com Moti Asayag
            Dominik Hanak Dominik Hanak
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
