Resolution: Done
User can set an annotation at the Serving CR level to disable generating the default Serving network policies when Istio is enabled.
The default network policy names are: a) webhook, b) net-istio-webhook, c) allow-from-openshift-monitoring-ns
The annotation is`serverless.openshift.io/disable-istio-net-policies-generation` and the values it can be set are: true, false.
This is applicable when customer will set in OSSM:
profiles: - default security: manageNetworkPolicy: false
As part of this work we need to clean up the section here: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openshift_serverless/1.31/html-single/integrations/index#serverless-ossm-enabling-serving-metrics_serverless-ossm-setup
Right now the second bullet is not needed because we automatically generate the "allow-from-openshift-monitoring-ns" network policy at the Serverless operator side. So the section starting with the following should be removed:
"Apply the following network policy to allow traffic from the Prometheus namespace:..."
Note: eng. work will be available in 1.32 to allow consumption from the RHAI team but docs will target 1.33.
- documents
SRVKS-1189 RHAI OSSM setup changes lead to issues with OSS NetworkPolicies
- Closed
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