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  1. Knative Serving
  2. SRVKS-104

As a user I want to have routes and ingress automatically created for my Knative services


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • v0.7.0
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Serverless Sprint 168, Serverless Sprint 169

      As an example, after using kn to create a service as follows:

      kn service create kiosk-encoder --image markito/qr-encode:v1 -n markito-live

      On a cluster with Knative OpenShift Ingress [1] installed I can already access the service url as displayed by kn service get.

      kn service get |grep -i kiosk-encoder
      kiosk-encoder kiosk-encoder.markito-live.apps.openshift.codeready.cloud 1 12h 3 OK / 3 True

      [1] `oc apply --filename https://github.com/bbrowning/knative-openshift-ingress/releases/download/v0.0.1/release.yaml`

      When a service is created in Knative when running in OpenShift, it should be accessible through an URL without any extra (manual or not) step.

              bbrownin@redhat.com Ben Browning
              woliveir@redhat.com William Oliveira (Inactive)
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              5 Start watching this issue
