Resolution: Done
Pipelines 1.16.0, Pipelines 1.15.0, Pipelines 1.14.4
Description of problem:
As a User when we attempt to "ReRun" a resolver based pipelinerun from OpenshiftConsole, UI errors with message "Invalid PipelineRun configuration, unable to start Pipeline."
Slack thread: https://redhat-internal.slack.com/archives/CG5GV6CJD/p1730876734675309
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a resolver based pipelinerun
- Attempt to "ReRun" the same from Console
Actual results:
ReRun is errored with message: "Invalid PipelineRun configuration, unable to start Pipeline."
Expected results:
ReRun should trigger succesfully
Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):
Acceptance criteria:
- ReRun of a resolver base pipelinerun should be triggered successfully
Definition of Done:{}
- PR created, reviewed and merged succesfully
- ReRun scenario executes successfully
Additional info (Such as Logs, Screenshots, etc):
Screenshot of Error Message
Resolver based pipelineRun Yaml for reference:[^existing_pr.yaml]
- clones
SRVKP-6733 ReRun of Resolver based PipelineRuns fails from UI
- Verified
- links to