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  1. OpenShift Pipelines
  2. SRVKP-6833

Add community tasks support in Operator


    • 3
    • Pipelines Sprint Tekshift 17, Pipelines Sprint TekShift 18, Pipelines Sprint TekShift 19, Pipelines Sprint Pioneers 21, Pipelines Sprint Pioneers 23

      Story (Required)

      In 1.17 after removing clusterTasks all the community clusterTasks also removed

      and we missed to add 


      $ oc get clustertask --show-labels | grep community
      argocd-task-sync-and-wait   11d      app.kubernetes.io/version=0.2,operator.tekton.dev/provider-type=community
      git-cli                     11d      app.kubernetes.io/version=0.4,operator.tekton.dev/provider-type=community
      helm-upgrade-from-repo      11d      app.kubernetes.io/version=0.2,operator.tekton.dev/provider-type=community
      helm-upgrade-from-source    11d      app.kubernetes.io/version=0.3,operator.tekton.dev/provider-type=community
      jib-maven                   11d      app.kubernetes.io/version=0.5,operator.tekton.dev/provider-type=community
      kubeconfig-creator          11d      app.kubernetes.io/version=0.1,operator.tekton.dev/provider-type=community
      pull-request                11d      app.kubernetes.io/version=0.1,operator.tekton.dev/provider-type=community
      trigger-jenkins-job         11d      app.kubernetes.io/version=0.1,operator.tekton.dev/provider-type=community 

      community tasks as part of the Tasks under `openshift-pipelines` namespace



      In 1.18 lets refer thos community tasks as part of Tasks under `openshift-pipelines` namespace similar to how we use to do for ClusterTasks


      Discussion Ref : https://redhat-internal.slack.com/archives/C03A1MBHN81/p1732104728358329

      Background (Required)

      <Describes the context or background related to this story>

      Out of scope

      <Defines what is not included in this story>

      Approach (Required)

      <Description of the general technical path on how to achieve the goal of the story. Include details like json schema, class definitions>


      <Describes what this story depends on. Dependent Stories and EPICs should be linked to the story.>

      Acceptance Criteria (Mandatory)

      <Describe edge cases to consider when implementing the story and defining tests>

      <Provides a required and minimum list of acceptance tests for this story. More is expected as the engineer implements this story>

      INVEST Checklist

      Dependencies identified

      Blockers noted and expected delivery timelines set

      Design is implementable

      Acceptance criteria agreed upon

      Story estimated





      Done Checklist

      • Code is completed, reviewed, documented and checked in
      • Unit and integration test automation have been delivered and running cleanly in continuous integration/staging/canary environment
      • Continuous Delivery pipeline(s) is able to proceed with new code included
      • Customer facing documentation, API docs etc. are produced/updated, reviewed and published
      • Acceptance criteria are met

              jkhelil abdeljawed khelil
              sashture Savita .
              Sri Vignesh Selvan Sri Vignesh Selvan
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              3 Start watching this issue
