Resolution: Done
- move tkn advisory/erratum to QE state, see notes in the case that it's blocked
- switch to the TPS tab in advisory and check that column "TPS Stream" is not "PulpRepoNotFound", if this is the case, check notes below
- open https://tps-server.lab.bos.redhat.com/test_profiles
- search for "stable-pipelines-for-rhel-8"
- open the profile and click Edit
- alternativaly, open directly https://tps-server.lab.bos.redhat.com/test_profiles/799/edit
- check pipelines-1.XX-for-rhel-8-rpms, pipelines-1.XX-for-rhel-8-debug-rpms and pipelines-1.XX-for-rhel-8-source-rpms
- save changes
- get a Kerberos ticket kinit
- pre-stage: {{bkr workflow-tomorrow --errata=$EID --profile=stable-pipelines-for-rhel-8 --tps-rpmtest [--reserve] }} where EID is the number of CLI Errata advisory (6 digits)
- stage: bkr workflow-tomorrow -
errata=$EID --tps-rhnqa --profile=stable-pipelines-for-rhel-8 --tps-options=RHNQA_PARAMS=-exact - watch Beaker job https://beaker.engineering.redhat.com/jobs/$JID where JID is job ID from the output of previous command
- tps-results --errata $EID --job $JID --rpmtest (pre-stage)
- tps-results --errata $EID --job $JID --rhnqa (stage)
- If the CLI advisory cannot be transitioned to QE state and you see a message similar to "Missing 1 product listing, The brew files are incomplete for the following build and need to be reloaded: openshift-pipelines-client-1.17.0-11683.el8", somebody needs to create a ticket like https://issues.redhat.com/browse/CWFCONF-11052
- If you see TPS Stream PulpRepoNotFound in advisory, see https://redhat-internal.slack.com/archives/C052XK49FK2/p1727786569895169 and https://issues.redhat.com/browse/CLOUDDST-24857
- If the bkr command throws error, we can clone the existing job to create a new one.
Ex: Open the job and click on the clone button and change the values. - If you test CLI for previous minor release (e.g. 1.17.0 exists and you need to run TPS for 1.16.99), temporarily remove all newer versions from testing profile.
- clones
SRVKP-5970 [release testing] TPS tests in pre-stage and stage
- Closed
- is cloned by
SRVKP-7133 [release testing] TPS tests in pre-stage and stage
- To Do