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  1. OpenShift Pipelines
  2. SRVKP-6822

[release testing] TPS tests in pre-stage and stage


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • Pipelines 1.17.0
    • None
    • QA
    • Pipelines Sprint Release 18, Pipelines Sprint Release 19



      1. move tkn advisory/erratum to QE state, see notes in the case that it's blocked
      2. switch to the TPS tab in advisory and check that column "TPS Stream" is not "PulpRepoNotFound", if this is the case, check notes below
      3. open https://tps-server.lab.bos.redhat.com/test_profiles
      4. search for "stable-pipelines-for-rhel-8"
      5. open the profile and click Edit
      6. alternativaly, open directly https://tps-server.lab.bos.redhat.com/test_profiles/799/edit
      7. check pipelines-1.XX-for-rhel-8-rpms, pipelines-1.XX-for-rhel-8-debug-rpms and pipelines-1.XX-for-rhel-8-source-rpms
      8. save changes
      9. get a Kerberos ticket kinit
      10. pre-stage: {{bkr workflow-tomorrow --errata=$EID --profile=stable-pipelines-for-rhel-8 --tps-rpmtest [--reserve] }} where EID is the number of CLI Errata advisory (6 digits)
      11. stage: bkr workflow-tomorrow -errata=$EID --tps-rhnqa --profile=stable-pipelines-for-rhel-8 --tps-options=RHNQA_PARAMS=-exact
      12. watch Beaker job https://beaker.engineering.redhat.com/jobs/$JID where JID is job ID from the output of previous command
      13. tps-results --errata $EID --job $JID --rpmtest (pre-stage)
      14. tps-results --errata $EID --job $JID --rhnqa (stage)



              ppitonak Pavol Pitoňák
              ppitonak Pavol Pitoňák
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