Resolution: Unresolved
Pipelines 1.16.0
Description of problem:
The buildah cluster task fails with below error when using docker-registry secrets:
+ test -f /workspace/dockerconfig/config.json
+ test -f /workspace/dockerconfig/.dockerconfigjson
+ cp /workspace/dockerconfig/.dockerconfigjson /tmp/.docker/config.json
cp: cannot create regular file '/tmp/.docker/config.json': No such file or directory
Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):
Steps to Reproduce
Create a docker-registry secret:
$ oc create secret docker-registry --docker-server=a --docker-username=b --docker-password=c
Reference the task and secret as below in the Pipeline:
- name: build-test-image taskRef: name: buildah kind: ClusterTask workspaces: - name: source workspace: shared-workspace - name: dockerconfig workspace: dockerconfig-ws <--------- params: - name: IMAGE value: myregistry.com/foo/bar ... ..
The cluster task fails with below error if the secret is not associated with a service account attached with the Pipelinerun or Taskrun.
+ test -f /workspace/dockerconfig/config.json
+ test -f /workspace/dockerconfig/.dockerconfigjson
+ cp /workspace/dockerconfig/.dockerconfigjson /tmp/.docker/config.json
cp: cannot create regular file '/tmp/.docker/config.json': No such file or directory
Actual results:
Expected results:
Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):
Acceptance criteria:
Definition of Done:
Build Details:
Additional info (Such as Logs, Screenshots, etc):