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  1. OpenShift Pipelines
  2. SRVKP-5897

PAC Pipelineruns are being remained in pending state while concurrency_limit is set whether by global or local repo in gitea tests


    • (temp)Backlog from 260 and 259, Pipelines Sprint Crookshank 10, Pipelines Sprint Crookshank 11, Pipelines Sprint Crookshank 12

      Description of problem:

      e.g. concurrency_limit = 2 is set and repo has 6 PRs, only 5 PRs are getting done and one PR is left into Pending state and getting this  error message in logs

      failed to update pipelineRun to in_progress: cannot get secret from repository: an empty namespace may not be set when a resource name is provided 

      because reconciler.secretNS has empty value before queue_pipelinerun is called.

      Note: I've seen this issue in gitea E2E test only.


      1) You have pipelines-as-code repository cloned locally

      2) You have deployed PAC locally. if not then run `make dev` make command in pipelines-as-code directory.

      3) you have setup E2E testing of PAC using gitea if not then see docs.

      Steps to reproduce:

      1) Create global repository using below config:

      apiVersion: pipelinesascode.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
      kind: Repository
        name: pipelines-as-code
        namespace: pipelines-as-code
        concurrency_limit: 2
          - name: custom
            value: "value"


      2) add below test func in gitea_test.go file locally:

      func TestGiteaGlobalRepoConcurrencyLimit(t *testing.T) {
          numPipelines := 6
          yamlFiles := map[string]string{}
          for i := 0; i < numPipelines; i++ {
             yamlFiles[fmt.Sprintf(".tekton/pr%d.yaml", i)] = "testdata/pipelinerun.yaml"
          topts := &tgitea.TestOpts{
             TargetEvent:          triggertype.PullRequest.String(),
             YAMLFiles:            yamlFiles,
             CheckForNumberStatus: numPipelines,
             CheckForStatus:       "success",
          _, f := tgitea.TestPR(t, topts)  
          defer f()


      3) run the test using below command:

      go test -tags=e2e ./test/ -v -run ^TestGiteaGlobalRepoConcurrencyLimit$ 

       as concurrency_limit is 2 in global repository, you will see that only five pipelineruns succeeding and one is being remained in queued state. 


              rh-ee-zashaikh Zaki Shaikh
              rh-ee-zashaikh Zaki Shaikh
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              2 Start watching this issue
