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  1. OpenShift Pipelines
  2. SRVKP-5775

Pipelines-as-Code 1.15 changed event_type gitops comments from 1.14


    • 4
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Reverted the categorization of GitOps comments from a specific label to the generic "pull_request" event type to maintain backward compatibility and added documentation for deprecation notice and future deprecation plans.

      when doing /retest /cancel and other gitops comments we used to set the {{ event_type }} as pull_request for every kind of events on a pull_request via gitops comments, on 1.15 we categorized those to different event_type :


          NoOpsCommentEventType        = EventType("no-ops-comment")
          TestAllCommentEventType      = EventType("test-all-comment")
          TestSingleCommentEventType   = EventType("test-comment")
          RetestSingleCommentEventType = EventType("retest-comment")
          RetestAllCommentEventType    = EventType("retest-all-comment")
          OnCommentEventType           = EventType("on-comment")
          CancelCommentSingleEventType = EventType("cancel-comment")
          CancelCommentAllEventType    = EventType("cancel-all-comment")
          OkToTestCommentEventType     = EventType("ok-to-test-comment")

      which break customers relying it on being pull_request event when used for filtering


      we need to revert this behaviour, add some documentation for deprecation notice and further plan the deprecation period.


            cboudjna@redhat.com Chmouel Boudjnah
            cboudjna@redhat.com Chmouel Boudjnah
            Savita . Savita .
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