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  1. OpenShift Pipelines
  2. SRVKP-5501

implement "displayName" of tasks in webconsole - openshift pipelines


    • False
    • None
    • False

      • Proposed title of this feature request
        RFE - implement displayName of tasks in webconsole
      • What is the nature and description of the request?
        implement the usage of the displayName parameters of taskRun in the openshift webconsole
      • Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
        it's already implemented in the tektonDashboard

      since openshift-pipeline 1.13, we can use displayName. Doc says:

      "With this update, when specifying a task and using the displayName parameter, you can use parameters that include the values of parameters, results, or context variables in the display name, for example, $(params.application), $(tasks.scan.results.report), $(context.pipeline.name)"

      However, this parameters is not visible in the openshift webconsole. This RFE is to add this feature.


      < Who benefits from this feature, and how? What is the difference between today’s current state and a world with this feature? >


      Requirements Notes IS MVP
        • (Optional) Use Cases

      < What are we making, for who, and why/what problem are we solving?>

      Out of scope

      <Defines what is not included in this story>


      < Link or at least explain any known dependencies. >

      Background, and strategic fit

      < What does the person writing code, testing, documenting need to know? >


      < Are there assumptions being made regarding prerequisites and dependencies?>

      < Are there assumptions about hardware, software or people resources?>

      Customer Considerations

      < Are there specific customer environments that need to be considered (such as working with existing h/w and software)?>

      Documentation Considerations

      < What educational or reference material (docs) is required to support this product feature? For users/admins? Other functions (security officers, etc)? >

      What does success look like?

      < Does this feature have doc impact? Possible values are: New Content, Updates to existing content, Release Note, or No Doc Impact?>

      QE Contact

      < Are there assumptions being made regarding prerequisites and dependencies?>

      < Are there assumptions about hardware, software or people resources?>


      < If the feature is ordered with other work, state the impact of this feature on the other work>

      Related Architecture/Technical Documents


      Done Checklist

      • Acceptance criteria are met
      • Non-functional properties of the Feature have been validated (such as performance, resource, UX, security or privacy aspects)
      • User Journey automation is delivered
      • Support and SRE teams are provided with enough skills to support the feature in production environment

              Unassigned Unassigned
              rhn-support-gio Ginilekshmi A O
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              11 Start watching this issue
