Resolution: Done
Pipelines 1.14.0
with this fix pipelines-console-plugin pod follows nodeSelector, tolerations, and priorityClassName inputs and moves the pod to desired node
Description of problem:
"pipelines-console-plugin" Pod doesn't move to infra nodes after applying nodeselector and tolerations in tektonconfig. It always placed on worker nodes and the deployment doesn't have a nodeSelector and/or tolerations.
Pipeline Console plugin pod was added from v1.14 onwards and it is now part of openshift-pipelines components.
Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):
Steps to Reproduce
- Modify the tektonconfig to add nodeselctor and toleration:
apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1 kind: TektonConfig : spec // You can configure your nodeSelector and tolerations as follows. config: nodeSelector: node-role.kubernetes.io/infra: "" tolerations: - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/infra effect: NoSchedule operator: Exists
- Wait for openshift-pipelines pods to restart
Actual results:
- pipelines-console-plugin pod won't get restarted automatically.
- pipelines-console-plugin pod will get scheduled to worker node only even after manual restart
- Expected results:
- pipelines-console-plugin should be moved to infra node as like every other openshift-pipelines pods{}
Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):
Acceptance criteria:
Definition of Done:
Build Details:
Additional info (Such as Logs, Screenshots, etc):
- clones
SRVKP-4391 pipelines-console-plugin Pod doesn't move to infra nodes
- Closed