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  1. OpenShift Pipelines
  2. SRVKP-4208

Automate updating CLI version in all places in p12n repo


    • False
    • None
    • False

      Story (Required)

      we forgot or miss updating the latest CLI version many time as it needs to be done at many places

      it needs to be automated.

      Once we update the CLI version in sources.yaml we should update the version in these places

      1. https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/tekton/p12n/-/blob/pipelines-5.0-rhel-8/distgit/containers/openshift-pipelines-cli-tkn/Dockerfile.in?ref_type=heads#L5
      2. https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/tekton/p12n/-/blob/pipelines-5.0-rhel-8/distgit/rpms/tektoncd-cli/openshift-pipelines-client.spec.in?ref_type=heads#L6
      3. we need to update tkn pac as well in the similar in the above files
      4. upstream we need to update in serve_tkn as well -> need to check if we can do it with same script or different script https://github.com/tektoncd/operator/blob/main/pkg/reconciler/openshift/tektonaddon/consolecli.go#L69


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            rbehera-1 Rupali Behera
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