Resolution: Done
Pipelines 1.12.2
Pipelines Sprint 252
Description of problem:
pipelineRuns are not triggering for pull_request events when user use event_title.startsWith() but it seems to work fine for pushes though. Example pipelines are below
--- apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1 kind: PipelineRun metadata: name: no-op annotations: pipelinesascode.tekton.dev/on-cel-expression: >- event == 'pull_request' && event_title.startsWith("skip") spec: params: # The variable with brackets are special to Pipelines as Code # They will automatically be expanded with the events from Github. - name: repo_url value: "{{ repo_url }}" - name: event_data value: "{{ event_type }}" - name: revision value: "{{ revision }}" - name: title value: "{{ event_title }}" pipelineSpec: params: - name: repo_url - name: revision - name: event_data - name: title tasks: # Customize this task if you like, or just do a taskRef # to one of the hub task. - name: noop-task taskSpec: results: - name: OUTPUT steps: - name: noop-task image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi9/ubi-micro script: | echo "**********************" echo $(params.repo_url) echo "**********************" echo $(params.event_data) echo "**********************" echo $(params.title) echo "**********************" exit 0
Reported by FORD
Slack: https://tektoncd.slack.com/archives/C04BL0X1MU3/p1701281914420969