this epic tracks how we release nightlies in an automated way - and also how we ship pre-releases to our customers
TBD: establish a cadence for shipping pre-releases - tie it to a sprint maybe?
goal: releasing every day
whenever an MR is merged on the 5.0.5 branch and once the CI is green and we get the final builds:
- each new build is upgrade-able from the previous build 🟢
- the builds are published to a private/public (TBD) dashboard so it's consumable for our customers and other internal teams
- upgrade tests are run (but passing of upgrade tests is not guaranteed) and published
goal: dogfooding
- 🐕 deployed on ospqa
- deployed on PAC CI???
- RHTAP! 🤭
goal: pre-releases
- evaluate pre-releases via errata -
- is depended on by
SRVKP-3580 release efficiency - phase 1 🏆
- In Progress