Resolution: Unresolved
an excellent end to end inner loop👌🏼
To Do
SECFLOWOTL-139 - Improving the devloop for Openshift Pipelines Engineering
86% To Do, 14% In Progress, 0% Done
this epic tracks our efforts to build an inner dev loop that helps us test upstream and unmerged changes on downstream builds
- a PR is merged in operator / pac / any upstream project we care about
the PR is merged in any tracked branch in upstream_sources.yaml in all release branches
a downstream build is built and posted on #pipelines-bots channel- the downstream builds will come from 2 sources:
- cpaas and CVP
- internal builds
- both of these builds will be identical enough to test all bugs/features
- the downstream builds will come from 2 sources:
- implementation:
- the branches tracked in upstream_sources.yaml are tracked by the sync upstream sources job anyway, however that's a cron job and it's a pain to manage - we should move to a watcher based solution that watches the github events of the repository https://docs.github.com/en/rest/activity/events and we look for push events there.
- implementation:
- a PR is merged in operator / pac / any upstream project we care about
a developer wants a downstream build from their fork or any commit really
they should be able to trigger a pipeline from gitlab/p12n repo with whatever to get a downstream build- this should probably not be automated as most of these might never be used
- UX to request a custom build should be a slack command to a bot 🤖
- implementation:
- first we want the ability in the operator to accept commits / forks / branches to do builds.
- then we want a UX like a CLI or a slack bot or a slack form to trigger the builds based on inputs like commit, branch, etc
- implementation:
- ❓ in PAC and downstream operator and upstream operator 🎉, we can run this part of their upstream CI but not on other tekton upstream projects
- when a PR is opened in PAC then a downstream build is posted as a comment on that PR
- PAC tests are run on a downstream operator build built from operator main branch
- these builds can be tested on cluster pools provided by hive
- is depended on by
SRVKP-3580 release efficiency - phase 1 🏆
- In Progress