this epic tracks automation needed to eliminate manual intervention while doing releases
🔥 after code freeze (and 5.0.5 🤷)
the following is true for release branches including 5.0.5
when code freeze is done, the following happens automatically:
- a release branch is cut in gitlab/p12n repo from the 5.0.5 branch
- maxOpenShiftVersion, etc should be configured
- HB and cpaas configs are created
- errata is created
- we also need to figure out git based release notes where they are updated each time the release notes field is updated
- whenever the release notes are updated in an issue in jira, the update is posted to a git repo / dashboard
- write a mechanism to automatically collate upstream release notes as well in a release based on upstream components’ version bumps
- is depended on by
SRVKP-3580 release efficiency - phase 1 🏆
- In Progress