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  1. OpenShift Pipelines
  2. SRVKP-3540

HPA and replicas control conflicts


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       If a Deployment or StatefulSet has a Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) and is in active state, Operator will not control the replicas to that resource. However if `status.desiredReplicas` and `spec.minReplicas` not present in HPA, operator takes the control. Also if HPA disabled, operator takes control. Even though the operator takes the control, the replicas value will be adjusted to the hpa's scaling range.
       If a Deployment or StatefulSet has a Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) and is in active state, Operator will not control the replicas to that resource. However if `status.desiredReplicas` and `spec.minReplicas` not present in HPA, operator takes the control. Also if HPA disabled, operator takes control. Even though the operator takes the control, the replicas value will be adjusted to the hpa's scaling range.
    • 2
    • Pipelines Sprint 247

      in 1.12.0 additional options introduced and replicas count control taken into the operator.

      However if we have HPA for a deployment, HPA has to mange the replicas count. But conflicts happen between HPA and operator to manage the replicas count. that leads keeps on pod creation and deletion action.

      Example: increase the replicas count to 2 of "tekton-pipelines-webhook", which is also managed by HPA. in no load situation HPA want to keep 1 as replicas count, but operator wants to keep 2 as replicas count.

            jkandasa-rh Jeeva Kandasamy
            jkandasa-rh Jeeva Kandasamy
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