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  1. OpenShift Pipelines
  2. SRVKP-2903

pipelines-as-code doesn't support "Re-run all checks" in the Github ui


      Description: h3. pipelines-as-code doesn't support "Re-run all checks" in the Github ui

      Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Install OpenShift pipelines operator with enabled pipelines-as-code.
      2. Create Github application for pipelines-as-code component and after that install it for some test project in the github. You can create this Github application using tkn pac:

      $ tkn pac bootstrap github-app

      3. Create Repository object and apply it to the cluster. Create pipelinerun with push and pull request events in .tekton folder of the test project. You can use tkn pac command to make this stuff automatically. Execute command from the test project root:

      tkn pac create repo

      This command automatically will create and apply Repository object for test github project. Also it will auto-generated pipelinerun in the .tekton folder. Commit and push this pipelinerun to Github.

      4. Create pull request for test project. Wait while Openshift pipelines ci wil complete check. Go to Checks tab in the Github ui. Click on the "Re-run all checks".

      Actual results: Openshift pipelines ci do nothing. And such behavior confuses users.

      Expected results: Openshift pipelines ci should re-run all checks. Or it should print that this action isn't supported at least.

      Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once): Always

      Build Details: actual for 1.9.2 version, because upstream project pipelines-as-code doesn't support this feature.

      Additional info (Such as Logs, Screenshots, etc):

      When user clicks "Re-run all checks", then Github makes request to application: POST check_suite.rerequested action. But pipelines-as-code doesn't support this event.
      pipelines-as-code logs:

      {"severity":"INFO","timestamp":"2023-03-13T10:46:22.266835595Z","logger":"pipelinesascode","caller":"adapter/adapter.go:202","message":"skipping event: github: event \"check_suite\" is not supported","commit":"fdfd333","provider":"github","event-id":"4aeb7300-c18c-11ed-92d9-dd9e5a843c90"}

            cboudjna@redhat.com Chmouel Boudjnah
            oandriie Aleksander Andriienko
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            3 Start watching this issue
