Resolution: Done
Pipelines 1.8.1
Expected behavior
no operator-related resources stay on cluster after uninstalling
Actual behavior
3 installer sets stay on cluster for long time/forever, it's not possible to install the operator afterwards
Steps to reproduce
1. install 1.8.1 on OpenShift 4.12
2. remove TektonConfig
3. watch installer sets, after ~10 minutes, 3 of them are still present
NAME READY REASON pipeline-vd565 True trigger-8vrhk True validating-mutating-webhoook-69557 True
4. uninstall operator (e.g. click in OpenShift console)
5. install operator again - operator pod is in CrashLoopBackOff state
installer sets:
oc get tektoninstallerset NAME READY REASON addon-clustertasks-ghvsf False Error addon-communityclustertasks-97wnb False Error addon-pac-7v5bx False Error addon-pipelines-lj27r False Error addon-triggers-99fg8 False Error addon-versioned-clustertasks-1-8-lqcnw False Error pipeline-vd565 True postpipeline-hmlfx True prepipeline-wdgss False Error rhosp-rbac-g5mnk True trigger-8vrhk True validating-mutating-webhoook-4pbp4 True $ oc get tektonconfig NAME VERSION READY REASON config 1.8.1 False Error