• OpenShift SPLAT - Sprint 258

      User Story:
      As a vSphere OpenShift developer, I want to test provisioning VMs with multiple NICs so that I can validate that our new feature is functioning correctly.

      As a vSphere OpenShift developer, I need to ensure that our platform can successfully provision virtual machines (VMs) with multiple network interface cards (NICs). To do this, I must test the provisioning process thoroughly to identify any potential issues or limitations. This will help me validate that the feature is working as expected and provide confidence in its performance during live deployments.

      Acceptance Criteria:{}

      1. Test Validation: All parallel and serial tests pass.
      2. cluster-bot: The workflow is enabled as a cluster-bot workflow


            rhn-support-rvanderp Richard Vanderpool
            rhn-support-rvanderp Richard Vanderpool
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            1 Start watching this issue
