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  1. OpenShift Specialist Platform Team
  2. SPLAT-1555

Enhance Cluster Storage Operator (CSO) to allow multiple vCenters

    • 3
    • OpenShift SPLAT - Sprint 254

      User Story

      As an OpenShift administrator, I would like CSO to not become degraded due to multi vcenter feature gate being enabled so that I can begin to install my cluster across multiple vcenters.


      The purpose of this story is to perform the needed changes to get CSO allowing the configuration of the new Feature Gate for vSphere Multi vCenter support.  There will be other stories created to track the functional improvements of CSO.  By default, the operator will still only allow one vcenter definition; however, once the feature gate for vSphere Multi vCenter is enabled, we will allow more than one vCenter.  Initially, the plan is to only allow a max of 3 vCenter definitions which will be controlled via the CRD for the vSphere infrastructure definitions.


      The CSO after install must not fail due to the number of vCenters configured.  Any other failure reported based on issues performing operator tasks is valid and should be addressed via a new story.


      • multi vcenter enabled: CSO is not degraded from having more than one vCenter defined in the infrastructure custom resource
      • multi vcenter disabled: CSO will become degraded if vcenter count is greater than 1


      We will need to enhance all logic that has hard coded vCenter size to now look to see if multi vcenter feature gate is enabled.  If it is enabled, the vcenter count may be larger than 1, else it will still need to fail with the error message of vcenter count may not be greater than 1.

              rhn-support-ngirard Neil Girard
              rhn-support-ngirard Neil Girard
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