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  1. OpenShift Specialist Platform Team
  2. SPLAT-1553

Enhance CAPI installer to support multiple vCenters for installation of cluster

    • 8
    • OpenShift SPLAT - Sprint 255, OpenShift SPLAT - Sprint 258


      As a cluster administrator, I would like to enhance the CAPI installer to support multiple vCenters for installation of cluster so that I can spread my cluster across several vcenters.


      The purpose of this story is to enhance the installer to support multiple vcenters.  Today OCP only allows the use of once vcenter to install the cluster into.  With the development of this feature, cluster admins will be able to configure via the install-config multiple vCenters and allow creation of VMs in all specified vCenter instances.  Failure Domains will encapsulate the vcenter definitions. 


      • Installer can create a cluster with multiple vCenters defined in the install-config when using the new CAPI installer.
      • Installer (Terraform) should still fail when feature gate is enabled and multiple vcenter definitions are detected.
      • Installer uses new feature gate to allow use of multiple vcenters
        • If feature gate enabled and vCenter count > 1, allow install
        • If feature gate disabled and vCenter count > 1, error out with message that more than one is not allowed
      • Installer can destroy a cluster that is spread across multiple vcenters
      • Create unit tests to cover all scenarios



      This will required changed in the API to provide the new feature gate.  Once the feature gate is created, the installer can be enhanced to leverage this new feature gate to allow the user to install the VMs of the cluster across multiple vCenters.

      We will need to verify how we are handling unit testing CAPI in the installer.  The unit tests should cover the cases of checking for the new FeatureGate.

              rhn-support-ngirard Neil Girard
              rhn-support-ngirard Neil Girard
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