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  1. OpenShift Specialist Platform Team
  2. SPLAT-1173

Enhance vSphere Installer to use IPAddressClaims for static IP

    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • openshift-4.15

      {}USER STORY:{}

      As a system admin, I would like the static IP support for vSphere to use IPAddressClaims to provide IP address during installation so that after the install, the machines are defined in a way that is intended for use with IPAM controllers.



      Currently the installer for vSphere will directly set the static IPs into the machine object yaml files.  We would like to enhance the installer to create IPAddress, IPAddressClaim for each machine as well as update the machinesets to use addressesFromPools to request the IPAddress.  Also, we should create a custom CRD that is the basis for the pool defined in the addressesFromPools field.



      After installing static IP for vSphere IPI, the cluster should contain machines, machinesets, crd, ipaddresses and ipaddressclaims related to static IP assignment.



      These changes should all be contained in the installer project.  We will need to be sure to cover static IP for zonal and non-zonal installs.  Additionally, we need to have this work for all control-plane and compute machines.

            rhn-support-ngirard Neil Girard
            rhn-support-ngirard Neil Girard
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