IHAC with a disconnected environment. They have a operator pipeline which pulls in the all the Operator Bundled Images and mirrors them in their internal repo which are in-turn pulled in via the ISCP. Thi is in line with all the RedHat Operator images that we have so far. In the case of skupper what we observed was the pipeline was able to mirror the Operator image (skupper-operator-bundle) successfully , but while configuring the operand (skupper site), the skupper router and service controller pods were crashing with image pull errors. I had to manually pull those images and host them in my own reigsitry namespace for it to work. We have promised (after getting a concurrance from the BU / Eng team) that this will be fixed in the GA version
Operator Bundle Image does not bundle images needed for the operands
- Fernando Giorgetti
- Shankaranarayanan Govindarajan (Inactive)
- Rafael Zago
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