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  1. Red Hat Service Interconnect (Skupper)
  2. SKUPPER-1417

skupper init displays usage info after internal error not related to commands or options


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done-Errata
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • 1.5.3
    • None
    • CLI, Container engine sites
    • None

      When skupper init fails, it defaults to thinking the commands or options are incorrect and displays the usage info after the error. It should not display the usage info in internal error scenarios.



      $ skupper switch podman 
      $ skupper init --site-name MASTER --platform podman --ingress-host
      Error: Error initializing Skupper - error pulling image registry.redhat.io/service-interconnect/skupper-router-rhel9:2.4.3: error reading response body: context deadline exceeded
        skupper init [flags]

            --site-name string                     Provide a specific name for this skupper installation
            --ingress string                       Setup Skupper ingress to one of: [external|none].
            --router-mode string                   Skupper router-mode (default "interior")
            --labels strings                       Labels to add to skupper pods
            --router-logging string                Logging settings for router. 'trace', 'debug', 'info' (default), 'notice', 'warning', and 'error' are valid values.
            --router-debug-mode string             Enable debug mode for router ('asan' or 'gdb' are valid values)
            --ingress-host strings                 Hostname or alias by which the ingress route or proxy can be reached.
                                                   Tokens can only be generated for addresses provided through ingress-hosts,
                                                   so it can be used multiple times.
            --ingress-bind-ip strings              IP addresses in the host machines that will be bound to the inter-router and edge ports.
            --bind-port int                        ingress host binding port used for incoming links from sites using interior mode (default 55671)
            --bind-port-edge int                   ingress host binding port used for incoming links from sites using edge mode (default 45671)
            --container-network string             container network name to be used (default "skupper")
            --enable-ipv6                          Enable IPV6 on the container network to be created (ignored when using an existing container network)
            --podman-endpoint string               local podman endpoint to use
            -enable-console                       Enable skupper console must be used in conjunction with '-enable-flow-collector' flag
            --console-auth string                  Authentication mode for console(s). One of: 'internal', 'unsecured' (default "internal")
            --console-user string                  Skupper console user. Valid only when --console-auth=internal
            --console-password string              Skupper console user. Valid only when --console-auth=internal
            --enable-flow-collector                Enable cross-site flow collection for the application network
            --bind-port-flow-collector int         ingress host binding port used for flow-collector and console (default 8010)
            --flow-collector-record-ttl duration   Time after which terminated flow records are deleted, i.e. those flow records that have an end time set. Default is 30 minutes.
        -h, --help                                 help for init

      Global Flags:
            --platform string   The platform type to use [kubernetes, podman]

            fgiorget@redhat.com Fernando Giorgetti
            rhn-sa-brbaker Bryon Baker
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