Feature Request
Resolution: Done
Shrinkwrap-maven-resolver does a zip file manually when resolving a dependency as a file, and it respect the FS delimiter.
When the user is on a windows machine and probably gets both \ and / delimeters at the project, the classpath gets wrong and thus the generated file does not work.
above you can see the conversation where we found the bug:
<jose_freitas> kpiwko, I'm using shinrkwrap maven resolver 2.0.0-alpha-1
<jose_freitas> and I noticed that when it's resolving a workspace dependency
<jose_freitas> for some reason the generated jar doesn't work as expected
<jose_freitas> what are you using to generate the archive in the workspace?
<jose_freitas> when running the test outside eclipse, it works. Inside it, the deployed jar have some weird behaviours
<jose_freitas> like CNF when class is there, and recently I had a problem when JSFAnnotationProccess run through the assembled class
<kpiwko> jose_freitas: hello
<jose_freitas> hello
<kpiwko> jose_freitas: so your jar depends on other module of a project?
<jose_freitas> yeah, the @deployment archive is resolving a dependency that's on my workspace
<kpiwko> shrinkwrap has nothing in common with [x] resolve dependencies from workspace
<kpiwko> it uses classpath
<kpiwko> I have no idea how it works in case of eclipse
<jose_freitas> hm...
<kpiwko> is it possible that you have your workspace dependency in a local maven repository with a same version but different content?
<jose_freitas> nope
<kpiwko> let me guess another try
<kpiwko> if it works on cli, but not in ide
<jose_freitas> so the maven-resolver is resolving the snapshot by itself?
<kpiwko> yes
<jose_freitas> what's very weird, that apparently, the jar is ok
<jose_freitas> all the classes are there
<kpiwko> well, if a snapshot is another module, it goes through classpath trying to find out a pom.xml file and use it
<kpiwko> in that case, what happens if you disable autocompiling feature?
<kpiwko> (it works by importing from filesystem and maybe ide accessed the same files during packaging)
<jose_freitas> I was thinking about the compilation problem, and I was wondering that when publishing to jboss through jbosstools, the jar generation works
<jose_freitas> I changed the IDE mvn version to the same I use at cli
<jose_freitas> still, when it generates the jar it's broken
<jose_freitas> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3092390/notworking.war
<jose_freitas> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3092390/working.war
<jose_freitas> try it yourself
<jose_freitas> they are basically the same
<jose_freitas> with the same files
<jose_freitas> there are some little differences in size though
<kpiwko> my jardiff tool says that there's a different z???-faces in there
<jose_freitas> yes
<jose_freitas> the z???-faces was generated through maven-resolver
<jose_freitas> to create the test
<kpiwko> let me check how z??? faces differ themselves
<jose_freitas> .addAsLibraries(
<jose_freitas> DependencyResolvers.use(MavenDependencyResolver.class).loadEffectivePom("pom.xml")
<jose_freitas> .artifact("br.com.??.pd.z?:z???-faces")
<jose_freitas> .resolveAsFiles())
<jose_freitas> notworking.war was generated in IDE
<jose_freitas> working.war in CLI
<jose_freitas> the same test
<kpiwko> damn, my tool is not working
<kpiwko> it complains jar is using backslashes instead of slashes
<kpiwko> give me a few secs
<jose_freitas> yeap
<jose_freitas> I didn't find why there's a difference though
<kpiwko> so if you unzip the jar a package it with jar tool, it works?
<kpiwko> do you have code snippet that generates jar handy?
<jose_freitas> manually, you mena?
<jose_freitas> mean*
<kpiwko> yes
<jose_freitas> no, but I can generate it through jdk
<jose_freitas> lemme try
<kpiwko> jose_freitas: I think this will happen in newer versions as well
<jose_freitas> kpiwko, I made two tests
<kpiwko> in alpha-6, there is PackageDirHelper
<kpiwko> which transform a directory into a jar
<jose_freitas> hmm
<kpiwko> a which respects filesystem path delimiter
<jose_freitas> but then I would need to resolve its dependencies as well
<kpiwko> which is wrong for jar
<kpiwko> I have to check where is the impl in alpha-1
<jose_freitas> ok
<jose_freitas> I made two tests with it
<jose_freitas> 1) generated a jar from "eclipse -> export "
<jose_freitas> and the generated jar worked
<jose_freitas> 2) I unzipped the jar and then created a new one with extracted folder "jar cvf zf.jar foldername"
<jose_freitas> it didn't work
<jose_freitas> and it had a similar error
<jose_freitas> for some reason, I think that the problem is the generated classes
<jose_freitas> not the archive
<jose_freitas> gut feeling
<kpiwko> jose_freitas: I think that in alpha-1, the problem lies here ./impl-maven/src/main/java/org/jboss/shrinkwrap/resolver/impl/maven/util/IOUtil.java
<kpiwko> jose_freitas: we do a zip file manually, but we respect fs delimiter
<jose_freitas> hm...
<kpiwko> as you get both \ and / delimeters in your project, the classpath is wrong and thus the war does not wrong
<kpiwko> *work
<kpiwko> (my suggestion)
<kpiwko> your test case 2) actually confirms my suggestion
<kpiwko> eclipse exporter correctly ignores \ and simply puts /, as recommended in java
<kpiwko> we can easily fix that in ShrinkWrap
<jose_freitas> that would be nice
<kpiwko> can you file a bug here at issues.jboss.org/browse/SHRINKRES and preferably paste our conversation? I think we can get it into next release
<jose_freitas> thanks