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  1. PicketBox
  2. SECURITY-815

NegotiationAuthenticator loses post data


      The NegotiationAuthenticator loses post data.

      A customer is attempting to use Negotiation along with PicketLink at the IDP. This works fine as long as the SP is using HTTP-Redirect SAML binding.

      If the SP is using HTTP-Redirect, then this issue is avoided as the SAMLRequest is passed along through the redirects on the URL.

      If the HTTP-POST binding is used, then the NegotiationAuthenticator will lose the SAMLRequest post parameter. This means that after a user is successfully authenticated, the IDP will not know where to redirect the user to. As a result, the user will be left at the IDP index.html page.

              darran.lofthouse@redhat.com Darran Lofthouse
              rhn-support-dehort Derek Horton
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
