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  1. PicketBox
  2. SECURITY-561

JBossResponseContext getResult strips multiple obligations from the evaluation response.


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      Create a policy that results in multiple obligations getting applied. Upon receiving the response, view the obligations, only the last evaluated obligation will remain.

      Create a policy that results in multiple obligations getting applied. Upon receiving the response, view the obligations, only the last evaluated obligation will remain.
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      The getResult() method in JBossResponseContext prevents multiple Obligations from getting returned to the PEP. The code block:
      Set<Obligation> obligationsSet = result.getObligations();
      if(obligationsSet != null)
      for(Obligation obl:obligationsSet)

      { ObligationType obType = new ObligationType(); obType.setObligationId(obl.getId().toASCIIString()); obType.setFulfillOn(EffectType.fromValue(Result.DECISIONS[obl.getFulfillOn()])); ObligationsType obligationsType = new ObligationsType(); obligationsType.getObligation().add(obType); resultType.setObligations(obligationsType); }


      Causes the obligations to constantly get overwritten with the last one read in.
      --> resultType.setObligations(obligationsType)

      To fix, do something more like:
      // Obligations
      Set<Obligation> obligationsSet = result.getObligations();
      if (obligationsSet != null && obligationsSet.size() > 0) {
      ObligationsType obligationsType = new ObligationsType();
      for (Obligation obl : obligationsSet)

      { ObligationType obType = new ObligationType(); obType.setObligationId(obl.getId().toASCIIString()); obType.setFulfillOn(EffectType.fromValue(Result.DECISIONS[obl.getFulfillOn()])); obligationsType.getObligation().add(obType); }


            anil.saldhana Anil Saldanha (Inactive)
            bkrisler_jira Brian Krisler (Inactive)
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