Resolution: Done
Alignment of FDP releases with OCP releases
Not Selected
To Do
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Starting OpenShift 4.16, we will be required to support each OCP release for 36 months. That implies at any point in time, we will have about 9 releases to maintain. In OpenShift Networking, various teams are working on figuring out how to reduce our maintenance cost for the codebase. OCP uses OVN-Kubernetes as the default CNI which in turn uses OVN as the underlying networking platform. So far the OVN-Kubernetes downstream has been using specially tagged OVN rpms and consuming them from brew. There is an overall desire to consume OVN as a platform by moving to a model that is more idiomatic for the platform - i.e. consume OVN packages via FDP releases.
Epic Goal
This epic is intended to capture the work required to introduce representative OCP test cases in the release process for FDP to gate OVN releases
Additional info
Share test cases from OVN QE to understand any delta between how OVN QE tests vs OCP QE (OCP QE will share as well)
Planning Done Checklist
The following items must be completed on the Epic prior to moving the Epic from Planning to the ToDo status
Priority+ is set by engineering
Epic must be Linked to a +Parent Feature
Target version+ must be set
Assignee+ must be set
(Enhancement Proposal is Implementable
(No outstanding questions about major work breakdown
(Are all Stakeholders known? Have they all been notified about this item?
Does this epic affect SD? {}Have they been notified{+}? (View plan definition for current suggested assignee)
- Please use the "Discussion Needed: Service Delivery Architecture Overview" checkbox to facilitate the conversation with SD Architects. The SD architecture team monitors this checkbox which should then spur the conversation between SD and epic stakeholders. Once the conversation has occurred, uncheck the "Discussion Needed: Service Delivery Architecture Overview" checkbox and record the outcome of the discussion in the epic description here.
- The guidance here is that unless it is very clear that your epic doesn't have any managed services impact, default to use the Discussion Needed checkbox to facilitate that conversation.
Additional information on each of the above items can be found here: Networking Definition of Planned
- is cloned by
SDN-5032 [4.17] Alignment of FDP releases with OCP releases
- Closed