Resolution: Done
Improve DNS name based traffic filtering
Strategic Portfolio Work
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To Do
OCPSTRAT-523 - [Tech Preview] Improve CoreDNS Integration with EgressFirewall
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
While trying to block requests going from the pods to different domain names, for example:
- registry.access.redhat.com
- registry.access.redhat.com.edgekey.net
- registry-1.docker.io
Here, the egressnetworkpolicy is working out for `registry.access.redhat.com` and `registry.access.redhat.com.edgekey.net`, however, for `registry-1.docker.io`, it is not denying access despite giving the deny entry.
"Domain name updates are polled based on the TTL (time to live) value of the domain returned by the local non-authoritative servers. The pod should also resolve the domain from the same local nameservers when necessary, otherwise, the IP addresses for the domain perceived by the egress network policy controller and the pod will be different, and the egress network policy may not be enforced as expected. Since egress network policy controller and pod are asynchronously polling the same local nameserver, there could be a race condition where pod may get the updated IP before the egress controller. Due to this current limitation, domain name usage in EgressNetworkPolicy is only recommended for domains with infrequent IP address changes."
Aim of this feature is to fix this and also support wildcard entries for EgressNetwork Policy