Uploaded image for project: 'OpenShift SDN'
  1. OpenShift SDN
  2. SDN-3874

Improve dev experience w/ presubmits in CNO and OVNK repos

    • Improve dev experience w/ presubmits
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Yellow
    • To Do
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
    • ---
    • 0
    • 0



      Networking Definition of Planned

      Epic Template descriptions and documentation 


      Epic Goal

      Manage Openshift Virtual Machines IP addresses from within the SDN solution provided by OVN-Kubernetes.

      Why is this important?

      Customers want to offload IPAM from their custom solutions (e.g. custom DHCP server running on their cluster network) to SDN.

      Planning Done Checklist

      The following items must be completed on the Epic prior to moving the Epic from Planning to the ToDo status

      • Priority+ is set by engineering
      • Epic must be Linked to a +Parent Feature
      • Target version+ must be set
      • Assignee+ must be set
      • (Enhancement Proposal is Implementable
      • (No outstanding questions about major work breakdown
      • (Are all Stakeholders known? Have they all been notified about this item?
      • Does this epic affect SD? {}Have they been notified{+}? (View plan definition for current suggested assignee)
        1. Please use the “Discussion Needed: Service Delivery Architecture Overview” checkbox to facilitate the conversation with SD Architects. The SD architecture team monitors this checkbox which should then spur the conversation between SD and epic stakeholders. Once the conversation has occurred, uncheck the “Discussion Needed: Service Delivery Architecture Overview” checkbox and record the outcome of the discussion in the epic description here. 
        2. The guidance here is that unless it is very clear that your epic doesn’t have any managed services impact, default to use the Discussion Needed checkbox to facilitate that conversation.

      Additional information on each of the above items can be found here: Networking Definition of Planned

      Acceptance Criteria

      • CI - MUST be running successfully with tests automated
      • Release Technical Enablement - Provide necessary release enablement
        details and documents.
      • IPv4 range can be defined on OVN Kubernetes secondary network.
      • VMs are able to get a IP from this subnet.
      • The IP sticks to a VM during live-migration.
      • The IP sticks to a VM even if it is temporarily shut down.

      Dependencies (internal and external)




      • This epic serves for prioritization in SDN backlog, and as a capacity blocker for OVN Kubernetes maintainers to review the IPAM work otherwise done by the CNV team
      • Implementation tasks should be filed under CNV-24260

              jluhrsen Jamo Luhrsen
              jluhrsen Jamo Luhrsen
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              1 Start watching this issue
