Resolution: Won't Do
Use Grafana and promql to observe/measure OVN-K metrics extracted from an OCP prometheus db. Note: this has to be limited in scope because I don't have the tools or skills to drive this down to the level of determining key metrics for customer performance issues or scale headroom. I think that is a Perf & Scale team ask.
The big idea:
- A grafana dashboard for extracted Prometheus metrics
- A grafana dashboard for extracted metrics plus the results of must-gathers and sosreports
- A grafana dashboard for a running cluster in OCP
To start the grafana container, pointing to an existing prometheus database:
[root@openshift-jumpserver-0 tmp]# datadir=/tmp/prometheus-2.24.1.linux-amd64/data [root@openshift-jumpserver-0 tmp]# echo $datadir /tmp/prometheus-2.24.1.linux-amd64/data [root@openshift-jumpserver-0 tmp]# podman run --rm --privileged -p 3000:3000 -p 9090:9090 -v $datadir/:/data:Z quay.io/distributed-systems-analysis/prom-graf-visualizer:latest
- To set up the local SSH tunnel that allows me to point my browser to
http://localhost:3000 and connect to the Grafana container:cfields-mac:~ cfields$ ssh -p 8022 -L 3000: -L 9090: root@ -N
- examples of 4 queries that should have data, as collected by prometheus-metrics-dump
podman exec -it romantic_jang /bin/bash ./promtool query instant http://localhost:9090 '{__name__=~"ovn__.*"}[2d]' ./promtool query instant http://localhost:9090 '{__name__=~"ovnkube_.*"}[2d]' ./promtool query instant http://localhost:9090 '{__name__=~"pod_.*"}[2d]' ./promtool query instant http://localhost:9090 '{__name__=~"etcd_.*"}[2d]'
- relates to
SDN-3622 Develop extract for time series OVN-K metrics and upload to prometheus
- Closed
- links to
(2 links to)