Resolution: Done
From Jaime
"Hi all,
This is a reminder that Jenkins 2 is now available for the Central CI CSB Jenkins Masters. Twelve of the CSB masters have already been successfully upgraded to Jenkins 2 [1], with just a handful left in the queue.
If you are interested in adding your master to the list of masters to be upgraded, please open a ticket in the PnT DevOps One portal, as described in the message below.
[1] https://projects.engineering.redhat.com/browse/CENTRALCI-2244
On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 8:10 PM, George Kendley <gkendley@redhat.com> wrote:
We are pleased to announce that Jenkins 2 will soon be available for the Central CI CSB Jenkins Masters. Please read below for further details. Along with this, we are introducing our Central CI Jenkins Support Cycle [1], which outlines upgrade requirements to maintain full support of your CSB Jenkins Master.
Who: Available for all Central CI user teams with a fully-supported CSB Jenkins Master except those currently undergoing the last few migrations from a RHEL 6 OS to that of RHEL 7 for Jenkins at this time. These last few users will be included as their RHEL 7 OS migrations are completed.
What: The upgrades will be user-driven and managed by SysOps in batches conducted over successive two week windows.
The intent is to implement upgrades with an Ansible Tower-based, Cinch [2] configuration-managed solution; as fully automated as we can make it.
Activities included in these upgrades:
Move to Jenkins 2.60
Move to a RHEL 7.4 OS
Implementing an upstream framework based on Cinch in conjunction with Ansible Tower to manage version updates going forward
Implement monitoring
Implement backups"