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  1. OpenShift Runtimes
  2. RUN-2190

[containers/podman] On Windows, podman machine provider config file gets deleted during an update


    • 5
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • sst_container_tools
    • RUN 256, RUN 257

      [2400802590] Upstream Reporter: Mario Loriedo
      Upstream issue status: Closed
      Upstream description:

      Issue Description

      On a fresh Podman v5.1 installation, the windows installer creates the file $env:programdatacontainerscontainers.conf.d99-podman-machine-provider.conf where the machine provider is specified.

      The file gets deleted when upgrading to v5.2. As a consequence, after the upgrade, podman will use the default machine provider (WSL), even if the user had selected Hyper-V during v5.1 installation.

      Steps to reproduce the issue

      1. Run the windows installer (podman-5.1.1-setup.exe)
      2. Check that the machine provider config file exists
      3. Run a more recent version of the windows installer (i.e. the manually built podman-5.2.0-dev-setup.exe)

      Describe the results you received

      The machine provider config file is deleted

      Describe the results you expected

      The machine provider config file should be there.

      podman info output


      Podman in a container


      Privileged Or Rootless


      Upstream Latest Release


      Additional environment details

      Additional environment details

      Additional information

      Additional information like issue happens only occasionally or issue happens with a particular architecture or on a particular setting

      Upstream URL: https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/23244

            mloriedo Mario Loriedo
            upstream-sync Upstream Sync
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
