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  1. Container Tools
  2. RUN-2156

[containers/podman] Rootful podman machine gets stuck using rootless connection if previously there was a rootless podman machine set as default


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • rhel-sst-container-tools

      [2275364471] Upstream Reporter: Vladimir Lazar
      Upstream issue status: Closed
      Upstream description:

      Issue Description

      If the user has two podman machines running at the same time on WSL, one fo them rootful and the other rootless, with the rootless one being set as default, if the user deletes the rootless machine the rootful podman machine will become default, however it's rootless connection will be used, not the rootful one.

      Steps to reproduce the issue

      Steps to reproduce the issue

      1. Have two podman machines running on WSL one rootful and the other rootless, rootless machine should be default.
      2. Stop the rootless machine and then delete it.
      3. Run command podman system connection list and notice that the rootless connection of the remaining rootful podman machine is now default.

      Describe the results you received

      Rootful podman machine will only using the rootless connection going forward, stopping and starting the machine does not help.

      Describe the results you expected

      the rootful connection of the rootful podman machine should become default.

      podman info output

      If you are unable to run podman info for any reason, please provide the podman version, operating system and its version and the architecture you are running.

      Podman in a container


      Privileged Or Rootless


      Upstream Latest Release


      Additional environment details

      Issue is only reproducible on Windows operating system.

      Additional information

      Additional information like issue happens only occasionally or issue happens with a particular architecture or on a particular setting

      Upstream URL: https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/22577

              rh-ee-jcorrent Jake Correnti
              upstream-sync Upstream Sync
              0 Vote for this issue
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