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  1. Container Tools
  2. RUN-2154

[containers/skopeo] Listing tags in JFrog Artifactory may fail


    • 1
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • sst_container_tools
    • RUN 254

      [2330694762] Upstream Reporter: SSW-SCIENTIFIC
      Upstream issue status: Closed
      Upstream description:

      Hello team,

      I want to notify I have encountered en error on skopeo v1.15.1 with multiarch images on JFrog Artifactory.

      JFrog Artifactory is an artifact management tool that can be behaved as container image registry. However, for multiarch images, it violates some behaviors related to tags.

      For example,

      1. once pushed an multiarch image multi-arch:v1.0.0, which refers sha256:aaaa...aaaa as a amd64, and sha256:bbbb...bbbb as a arm64, to Artifactory,
      2. Artifactory expose sha256:aaaa...aaaa and sha256:bbbb...bbbb as tags, not only multi-arch:v1.0.0,
      3. and sha256:aaaa...aaaa and sha256:bbbb...bbbb are OCI incompliant tags because they contains :,

      So finally we got error on skopeo inspect with time="2024-06-03T09:26:46Z" level=fatal msg="Error determining repository tags: registry returned invalid tag "sha256:aaaa...aaaa": invalid tag format".

      This is quite heavy impact issue even if the Artifactory violates OCI specifications, we can no longer use skopeo v1.15.1 or later with Artifactory.

      Can you consider that skopeo simply ignores the invalid tags to keep compatibility? And we will also contact to JFrog support to improve the behavior above.

      Upstream URL: https://github.com/containers/skopeo/issues/2346

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