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  1. RH-SSO
  2. RHSSO-179

Synchronize users after creating ldap federation provider


      Imported users are not listed in KC users.
      1. Create ldap federation provider, synchronize users
      2. Remove federation provider
      3. Create new federation provider, synchronize users (message shows 3 imported users)
      4. Go to users, click on view all users
      5. The imported users are not displayed

      Log message:
      10:56:23,378 INFO [org.keycloak.federation.ldap.LDAPIdentityStoreRegistry] (default task-11) Creating new LDAP based partition manager for the Federation provider: test, LDAP Configuration:

      {debug=false, pagination=true, searchScope=1, connectionPooling=true, usersDn=ou=People,dc=qe,dc=keycloak,dc=org, userAccountControlsAfterPasswordUpdate=true, useKerberosForPasswordAuthentication=false, userObjectClasses=person, organizationalPerson, user, bindDn=QE\Administrator, usernameLDAPAttribute=sAMAccountName, rdnLDAPAttribute=cn, vendor=ad, editMode=WRITABLE, uuidLDAPAttribute=objectGUID, allowKerberosAuthentication=false, connectionUrl=ldap://, syncRegistrations=false, authType=simple, batchSizeForSync=1000}

      10:56:23,521 INFO [org.keycloak.federation.ldap.LDAPFederationProviderFactory] (default task-11) Sync all users from LDAP to local store: realm: master, federation provider: test
      10:56:24,346 INFO [org.keycloak.federation.ldap.LDAPFederationProviderFactory] (default task-11) Sync all users finished: 3 imported users, 0 updated users, 0 removed users

            Unassigned Unassigned
            pdrozd1@redhat.com Pavel Drozd
            0 Vote for this issue
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