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  1. RH-SSO
  2. RHSSO-1143

[GSS] (7.1.2 patch) SAML signature verification incorrectly re-applies url-encoding prior to verification


      Please refer to the SAML Binding Specification which can be found here:

      Lines 620-623 on page 18 states:

      "Further, note that URL-encoding is not canonical; that is, there are multiple legal encodings
      for a given value. The relying party MUST therefore perform the verification step using the
      original URL-encoded values it received on the query string. It is not sufficient to re-encode
      the parameters after they have been processed by software because the resulting encoding
      may not match the signer's encoding."

      Unfortunately in the method verifyRedirectSignature() (located in services/src/main/java/org/keycloak/protocol/saml/SamlProtocolUtils.java) this is what is occurring, it decodes and then re-encodes the query values prior to signature verification, this occurs in this code block:

              UriBuilder builder = UriBuilder.fromPath("/")
                      .queryParam(paramKey, request);
              if (encodedParams.containsKey(GeneralConstants.RELAY_STATE)) {
                  builder.queryParam(GeneralConstants.RELAY_STATE, encodedParams.getFirst(GeneralConstants.RELAY_STATE));
              builder.queryParam(GeneralConstants.SAML_SIG_ALG_REQUEST_KEY, algorithm);
              String rawQuery = builder.build().getRawQuery();

      The problem is UriBuilder encodes the values, this is in the javadoc for the UriBuilder class:

      "Builder methods perform contextual encoding of characters not permitted in the
      corresponding URI component following the rules of the application/x-www-form-urlencoded
      media type for query parameters and RFC 3986 for all other components."

      So even when getRawQuery() is called you're being returned a value which has been re-encoded.

      This is easy to see in this little test code snippet:

      String relayState = "https%3A%2F%2Fjdennis-test.example.com%2Fsaml-test%2Ftest(test).txt";		
      System.out.println("raw:   RelayState=" + relayState);
      UriBuilder builder = UriBuilder.fromPath("/");
      builder.queryParam("RelayState", relayState);
      String rawQuery = builder.build().getRawQuery();
      System.out.println("built: " + rawQuery);

      Which outputs:

      raw:   RelayState=https%3A%2F%2Fjdennis-test.example.com%2Fsaml-test%2Ftest(test).txt
      built: RelayState=https%3A%2F%2Fjdennis-test.example.com%2Fsaml-test%2Ftest%28test%29.txt

      You can see the parens have been percent-encoded.

      As a consequence the signature validation will fail even though the signature is correct. It fails because the signature was computed from a string that contained the parenthesis but was validated against a string that has the parenthesis replaced with percent-encoding.

      FWIW, the parenthesis does not need to be percent encoded in a query component, it's legal to percent-encode them, but it's not required.

      This is an example of the problem the binding specification warns about (cited above) when performing a signature validation.

      The purpose of the UriBuilder code block is construct a string with the query parameters in the correct order as noted in lines 616-619 in the SAML Binding specification. This is better done with Java string operations instead of with a class that tries to interpret the meaning of the strings.

      I have a proposed patch that replaces UriBuilder with string concatenation. I have not tested the patch, it might need a tweak or two.

              rhn-support-dehort Derek Horton
              rhn-support-dehort Derek Horton
              Michal Hajas Michal Hajas
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