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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-955

The change from server "template" and "container" to "configuration" and "deployment unit" is not consistent across UI


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 7.0.1.GA
    • 7.0.0.GA
    • Business Central
    • None
    • CR1
    • Hide
      1. Go to Menu -> Deploy -> Execution Servers. Note that what used to be called "server templates" and "KIE containers" are now called "server configurations" and "deployment units". See attached screenshot "Execution Servers.png".
      2. Add more than one deployment unit to a server configuration for that project.
      3. Return to Menu -> Design -> Projects and click Build and then Deploy. Note that the UI dialog that appears, prompting you to select/confirm which server to use, shows the old terminology of "template" and "container" etc., instead of "configuration" and "deployment unit". See attached screenshot "Build and deploy prompt.png".
      4. Now go the the KIE server rest API (http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server) and note that there are sections for "/containers" and "containers/<containerID>", etc. Seems like these should now be "/deploymentunits" or the like.
      Go to Menu -> Deploy -> Execution Servers. Note that what used to be called "server templates" and "KIE containers" are now called "server configurations" and "deployment units". See attached screenshot "Execution Servers.png". Add more than one deployment unit to a server configuration for that project. Return to Menu -> Design -> Projects and click Build and then Deploy. Note that the UI dialog that appears, prompting you to select/confirm which server to use, shows the old terminology of "template" and "container" etc., instead of "configuration" and "deployment unit". See attached screenshot "Build and deploy prompt.png". Now go the the KIE server rest API ( http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server ) and note that there are sections for "/containers" and "containers/<containerID>", etc. Seems like these should now be "/deploymentunits" or the like.

      manstis@redhat.com, assigning to you for lack of alternative Let me know if it's something I can create the PR for myself. mstevens1_jira, tagging you as well, in case you know more, or just fyi.

      In Menu -> Deploy -> Execution Servers, "server templates" is now "server configurations" and "KIE containers" is now "deployment units". This change was not made in other impacted areas of the workbench. As a result, documentation is a bit clumsy trying to deal with the inconsistency and will inevitably confuse the user.

      See steps to reproduce above.

      If someone can point me to the code location, I can correct the on-screen text that's wrong in that UI dialog. Not sure what to think/do about that API variant however.

        1. Build and deploy prompt.png
          18 kB
          Stetson Robinson
        2. Execution Servers.png
          30 kB
          Stetson Robinson

              rh-ee-jomarko Jozef Marko
              sterobin@redhat.com Stetson Robinson (Inactive)
              Stetson Robinson Stetson Robinson (Inactive)
              Stetson Robinson Stetson Robinson (Inactive)
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