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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-717

Selecting all radio buttons in "Manage" screen causes active filters to vanish


    • User Experience
    • ER3
    • ER5
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      1. Launch Business Central
      2. Run any business process
      3. Click "Menu" > "Manage" > "Process Instances"
      4. Observe "State: Active" tag in center pane
      5. In the left pane, select all "State" options
      6. As the last option is selected, observe "Active filters" field in center pane

      1. Launch Business Central 2. Run any business process 3. Click "Menu" > "Manage" > "Process Instances" 4. Observe "State: Active" tag in center pane 5. In the left pane, select all "State" options 6. As the last option is selected, observe "Active filters" field in center pane
    • 2018 Week 13-14, 2018 Week 15-16

      When I am in the "Manage" screen and looking through "Process Instances", choosing all "State"s or "Errors" causes the "Active filters" field in the center pane to become blank. I am also unable to click "Save Filters" (which is fine) or "Clear All" (even though I show filters being selected in the left pane.

            cnicolai@redhat.com Cristiano Nicolai
            rhn-gps-dlaffran David Laffranchi (Inactive)
            Bojan Sremac Bojan Sremac (Inactive)
            Bojan Sremac Bojan Sremac (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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