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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-4563

update-tool: support only upgrades from RHPAM 7.13.x stream


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 7.13.2.GA
    • None
    • Upgrade Tool
    • None

      RHPAM 7.13.x (7.13.0 and 7.13.1) update-tool is currently supporting a big variety of upgrades combination, like RHDM 7.12.x -> RHPAM 7.13.x and RHPAM 7.11x / 7.12.x -> RHPAM 7.13.x.

      I propose that for RHPAM 7.13.2, we support only the following upgrade paths:

      • RHPAM 7.13.0 -> RHPAM 7.13.2
      • RHPAM 7.13.1 -> RHPAM 7.13.2

      And for RHPAM 7.13.3 we would keep the same idea and support only the 7.13.x stream

      • RHPAM 7.13.0 -> RHPAM 7.13.3
      • RHPAM 7.13.1 -> RHPAM 7.13.3
      • RHPAM 7.13.2 -> RHPAM 7.13.3

            rguimara Roberto Oliveira
            rguimara Roberto Oliveira
            Martin Cimbalek Martin Cimbalek (Inactive)
            Martin Cimbalek Martin Cimbalek (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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