When Business Automation Operator have been installed in multiple namespaces respectively and if any of them got updated but the other of them not, pod in the namespace where operator is not upgraded yet is unable to start with ValidationError like the following:
helm.go:81: [debug] error validating "": error validating data: [ValidationError(KieApp.spec.auth.ldap): unknown field "roleAttributeIsDN" in org.kiegroup.app.v2.KieApp.spec.auth.ldap, ValidationError(KieApp.spec.auth.ldap): unknown field "roleNameAttributeID" in org.kiegroup.app.v2.KieApp.spec.auth.ldap, ValidationError(KieApp.spec.auth.ldap): unknown field "searchScope" in org.kiegroup.app.v2.KieApp.spec.auth.ldap, ValidationError(KieApp.spec.auth.roleMapper): unknown field "replaceRole" in org.kiegroup.app.v2.KieApp.spec.auth.roleMapper].
Because CRD is referred by the all of operators in the same openshift cluster, but some properties have been removed from api in 7.12.0 operator.