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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-397

Managed Process Intelligent Server does not load the artifact changes in BPM Suite 6.4


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 7.1.0.GA
    • 6.x.x
      • Managed Process Intelligent Server (kie-server)
      • BPM Suite 6.4 on EAP 7.0.8
      • Scanner is disabled
    • CR1
    • Workaround Exists
      • Update project version after updating rules, build project and try to execute rules;
      • Enable Kie-Scanner so that it will load changes automatically.
    • Hide

      1. Create project with version 1.0-SNAPSHOT;
      2. Create simple rules through business-central, like as:

      import java.lang.Number;
      import example.Person;
      rule "rule1"
      	dialect "mvel"
      		person : Person( name == "aa" )
      		System.out.println("rule executed..");

      3. Build project and create kie-container through business-central console;
      4. Try to execute rule using kie-server REST API:

      [POST]  http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/instances/example:Project1:1.01-SNAPSHOT
      { "commands":[
               {"fire-all-rules":""}  ] }
      • The current version of the rule will be executed. Now update the SystemOutPrint statement from rule and rebuild project without changing project version;
      • Delete existing kie-container and re-create it from business-central console;
      • Now try to execute rule using same REST API and payload, we can see old version of rule is executed;
      • Now restart BPMS server instance and try again to execute rules, we can see the latest version of the rule is executed.

      BPMS version: 6.4.8
      EAP: 7.0.8

      1. Create project with version 1.0-SNAPSHOT; 2. Create simple rules through business-central, like as: import java.lang. Number ; import example.Person; rule "rule1" dialect "mvel" when person : Person( name == "aa" ) then System .out.println( "rule executed.." ); end 3. Build project and create kie-container through business-central console; 4. Try to execute rule using kie-server REST API: [POST] http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/instances/example:Project1:1.01-SNAPSHOT payload: { "commands":[ {"insert":{ "out-identifier":"var1", "object":{ "example.Person":{ "name":"aa" }}}}, {"fire-all-rules":""} ] } The current version of the rule will be executed. Now update the SystemOutPrint statement from rule and rebuild project without changing project version; Delete existing kie-container and re-create it from business-central console; Now try to execute rule using same REST API and payload, we can see old version of rule is executed; Now restart BPMS server instance and try again to execute rules, we can see the latest version of the rule is executed. BPMS version: 6.4.8 EAP: 7.0.8
    • 2018 Week 33-35, 2018 Week 36-38

      After editing and deploying a project built inside the business central [Authoring -> Project Authoring -> Open Project Editor -> Build -> Build and Deploy], we have load the new artifact into the container [Business Central -> Deploy -> Execution Server -> Add Container -> Select Project -> Start of Remote Server(with positive result) ].
      The expectation is that the server loads the new project changes, but it seems that the server contains the version prior to the change.
      The artifact contained in the maven repository is correct and contains the changes. The project version is a snapshot version.
      Only restarting JBoss EAP the Remote Server loads the project's change.

              swiderski.maciej Maciej Swiderski (Inactive)
              rhn-support-ajuricic Amana Juricic
              Jozef Marko Jozef Marko
              Jozef Marko Jozef Marko
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
